воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.


We took them to the State Fair yesterday with a group of friends.� Little D mostly stared and stared.� Miss M rode the swings, her first (and second) roller-coaster, the Ferris wheel and a few other rides, won a stuffed frog playing a game and in general had a wonderful time.� Today she and I made cupcakes.� I helped measure ingredients, ensure batter was fully mixed, prep pans and test with a toothpick.� She did the rest, especially licking the bowl and taste-testing the results.� Mmmm-good

Little D has made his first three baby signs (once each) and you can tell heapos;s listening to her a lot.� They were "change" while on the changing pad, "Thank you" and "Youapos;re welcome" at appropriate spots in the conversation around him, although he was apos;speakingapos; for others.� As I joked at dinner, if his first spoken word is Thanks, Iapos;m writing the Chief Rabbi about my best-Jew son.
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